Use "detonate explosives|detonate explosive" in a sentence

1. Bomb definition is - an explosive device fused to detonate under specified conditions

2. Detonate the ordnance!

3. Nitroguanicline may be regarded as an explosive which is powerful, but difficult to detonate.

4. The bomb failed to detonate.

5. So how do we detonate it?

6. They have to be armed to detonate.

7. Two other bombs failed to detonate.

8. They're gonna detonate them in their silos.

9. An engineer tried to detonate the mine.

10. It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon.

11. That's when we detonate a small nuclear device.

12. I feel like a bomb about to detonate.

13. Pulsars flash, gamma-ray bursts detonate black holes accrete.

14. One may not detonate a nuclear device in the city.

15. I intend to detonate it as the first craft land.

16. He's determined to detonate a nuclear weapon however he can.

17. 9 A remote control device was used to detonate the bomb.

18. Azobenzene is an azo compound. Azo, diazo, azido compounds can detonate

19. So where would you detonate a nuke if you were the Chechens?

20. Satisfied, the Joker leaves, intending to detonate bombs placed around the city.

21. Bombs in the magazine detonate in chain reaction in a split second.

22. Threatening to detonate, the warhead orders the Captain to take it to its target.

23. So you have no absolute proof that Sergeant Pinback ordered you to detonate.

24. I felt like a walking time bomb, set to detonate in sixty minutes.

25. Do we detonate if the other Arabs go into the room with him?

26. We could detonate a very small atom bomb in the vicinity of another.

27. He said that someone's gonna detonate a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles today.

28. France is expected to detonate its first nuclear device in the next few days.

29. Amatols (Explosive) (6) Black Powder (Explosive) (8) Detonators and Detonating Caps (9) Detonators, High Explosives (5) Dynamite (9) Emulsions (Explosive) (2) Explosive Cartridges for Concussion Forming of Metal (2) Explosives Manufacturers (243)

30. If we lose the shuttle com, when do we lose the ability to remote detonate that nuke?

31. The beauty of C4 is that you can apply pressure or heat and it will not detonate.

32. Bloodsport then threatened to detonate his power pack, potentially eradicating 10 square miles of the city

33. Amatols in the form of cast charges detonate more readily than TNT in the same form.

34. Alr support came and strafed and bombed the wood line, trying to detonate any more mines.

35. Air-burst anti-aircraft weaponry is designed to detonate in the air, potentially reducing civilian casualties.

36. If we've got the shuttle for seven minutes, we can remote detonate for an additional five.

37. In court he was a good enough actor to detonate his one-liners with a casual deadliness.

38. It is impossible to predict when Russia will detonate, but the system’s fissures are undeniable – and growing.

39. After clearing the area, police used a robot to detonate the device, estimated at more than 4 pounds.

40. He would try to detonate the hatch bolts when he was about a hundred metres above the river.

41. Bloodsport then threatened to detonate his power pack and potentially take out 10 square miles of the city

42. Then there was the time Vic and company decided to detonate a smorgasbord of Spam and boiled sweets.

43. Bomb, a container carrying an explosive charge that is fused to detonate under certain conditions (as upon impact) and that is either dropped (as from an airplane) or set into position at a given point.

44. Accidents - explosives safety; shipboard magazines - explosive hazards; and accident reports. Format:

45. SUBECT: Summary of the White House Review of the December 25,2009 Attempted Terrorist Attack 1 On December 25,2009 a Nigerian national, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Attempted to detonate an explosive device while onboard flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit

46. What he's trying to say, General, is that, uh, in 12 minutes'time, you may lose the ability to detonate the nuke... permanently.

47. Veronica was less apt now, Les sensed, to be languid; she carried her wide-hipped, rangy body warily, as if it might detonate.

48. It has a radius of 250, and it needs a Balefire egg and a Spark (or Off-Brand Spark) battery in order to detonate

49. Airburst munitions are weapons designed to detonate in the air, instead of on contact with the ground or target, or a delayed armor piercing explosion

50. Blasting companies must have: An explosive user certificate; An explosive magazine permit for permanent and vehicle mounted magazines; A license to sell explosives; Individuals must have: An explosives certificate of competency; See the application instructions and licensing exam schedule.

51. Pyrotechnic goods, so-called projectiles and spherical casings, alarm signals, repetition signals, projectiles and cylindrical casings, coloured casings, torpedoes, mines and aquatic volcanos, mines and cylindrical volcanos, roman candles, comet roman candles, coloured comets, rockets, Catherine wheels and aerial Catherine wheels, fireworks, ammunition, explosives, explosive powder, explosive cartridges, explosive cartridges, fuses for explosives, signal rockets, cartridge cases, flares

52. Further, if soaked in liquid oxygen, some materials such as coal briquettes, carbon black, etc., can detonate unpredictably from sources of ignition such as flames, sparks or impact from light blows.

53. 2010-11-11 A failed parcel bomb found on the cargo plane at East Midlands airport last month was timed to detonate over the Eastern seaboard of the United States, British police said.

54. ATF's early Arson jurisdiction is embedded within explosives legislation dictated by two critical Acts: the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Explosive Control Act of 1970

55. Ammonium nitrate explosives

56. Here's your explosives.


58. Authorising, relifing and trialling explosives

59. Explosives expert and trained commando.

60. Plastic explosive.

61. plastic explosive.

62. Manufacturing - Amatols (explosive) Birmingham, AL Manufacturing - Amatols (explosive) Business Directory

63. Firearms, ammunition and projectiles, explosives

64. Fritz is checking the explosives.

65. C4 plastic explosive is a very common and destructive explosive type.

66. The explosive composition of this example was an extrudable gelatinous explosive.

67. Explosive Growth —Why?

68. The Explosives and Blasting Branch also controls the manufacture, transportation, storage, distribution and eventual use of explosives

69. This is Alonso, my explosives guy.

70. Show me where those explosives are.

71. The exit tunnel's wired with explosives.

72. Stuart's rigged explosives to a remote.

73. Locate weapons and explosives and stuff.

74. Some machines sniff out plastic explosives.

75. Ammunition and projectiles, explosives for industrial purposes

76. Blow up the wall with the explosives.

77. Fog signals, non-explosive

78. And it's plastic explosive.

79. First Press: Aurelion Sol creates a new stellar core, which grows over time and grants him 10% Movement Speed.The core will detonate when it reaches his Outer Limit, applying 70/110/150/190/230 (+65% of Ability Power) magic damage and a 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 second …

80. Dynamite is an explosive.